Sunday, December 23, 2007

So, I'm finally sitting down for the first time in about 48 hours.

Well, maybe not literally, but it sure feels that way.

Matt and I spent all day yesterday with house projects that we'd neglected the past few months (finishing the moulding in the kitchen, re-painting trim, organizing some closets, etc) and today we cleaned until every room sparkled. His parents are in a rental vehicle somewhere between Nashville and Knoxville at the moment, so they should be here soon. I made a fresh batch of Chex mix that just came out of the oven, and now I'm just chilling out with Matt while Dexter terrorizes a rawhide bone on the floor between us.

What's sad is that I actually plan to follow "my" way of eating even throughout Christmas, which is eating less than my weight x 10 in calories every day, and nothing after 7pm. I don't really diet, per se, but doing things this way has helped me reach the lowest weight of my adult life, and I don't plan on seeing that scale moving in the other direction anytime soon. I'm currently at 144lbs on my 5'7" frame. I'd like to lose another 10, but I'm in no hurry. It'll come off in its own time.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Confession time. This is my favorite person this year:

Not the biggest Christmas fan this year.

Is it January yet?
On the evening of the 14th, we went down to Chattanooga for my brother's birthday (yes, both Matt and I have brothers with Christmastime birthdays) His wife had arranged for all of us to surprise him at the Vaudeville Murder Mystery Cafe, and had secretly arranged for him to be brought on stage.

I sat my lil camera on the table and let the video mode run while he was up there. I had to be inconspicuous, since cameras weren't allowed!

I don't think I need to point out which one is him:

Then outside I snapped a pic of Kev and Kelly:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And then back in the parking lot we did a (terrible) self-portrait:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Yesterday, I finally caved to the denial that I've been in about my slowly deteriorating eyesight. After going through several bottles of Excedrin Migraine and Aleve over the last few months due to frequent headaches, I headed over to Lenscrafters for some relief.

I always knew I was slightly near-sighted, but there had to be a reason for the overall fuzziness in EVERYTHING.. especially when using the computer or watching TV. Ugh. The answer? A pretty bad astigmatism in both eyes. Aha! My distance vision is actually only about 20/40.

So, after we spent almost 2 hours picking out frames (shut up, it's an important decision) I settled on a pair of dark Versace frames for the normal glasses and a pair of Ann Klein sunglasses. I splurged a little bit, since Matt had to use his Flex-Spending dollars by the end of this month anyway.. so why not?

Holy wow! I didn't know the world WAS this sharp! Taking my glasses on and off is like looking at two different worlds.. one that is in focus for the most part, but overall fuzzed over.. and one that is tack sharp to being able to see every detail in every blade of grass. It was so trippy!

So now, my outward appearance reflects the inner nerd that has existed all along. The transformation is complete.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

We had plans this weekend to rake the yard and clean out the front landscaping that is currently full of fallen leaves, but the constant rain put a nix on those plans! We did this week's grocery shopping, cleaned the house, and then I got an extra several hours of work. I could work 24 hours a day and never run out of things that need to be done. Ugh.

At least Matt is always a good sport about pics!

Kissy ambush!

Friday, December 07, 2007


Matt and I made a small batch of brownies last night after dinner, and I put together a cheesy video blog of the process.. enjoy!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Herding Dog = Fetch Fanatic

So.. I may have to inflict bodily harm upon whoever taught Dexter the joys of the game of fetch, because that is ALL the little man wants to do now!


He will pick up and drop the toy he has chosen for you to chuck across the room over and over and over.. until you oblige.

If you don't? He'll growl and bark, and continue to dribble said toy until he gets his way.

This can go on for HOURS!

We thought we'd cut down on fetch-time by taking his tennis balls away during work time.. but no, that didn't work. He started requesting that we throw his Teddy, his giant rawhide bones, his Pancake-Mouse.. I'm sure he'll eventually start dribbling the cats.

Check it out: